Find your calm

personalized THERAPY for you

Nurturing wellness through healing, self-discovery and connection.

We’re about nurturing the whole you.

The Risewell Approach

for where you are. for where you want to be.

Welcome to Risewell Psychology, a group practice dedicated to supporting people on their unique healing and wellness journeys. We offer a range of services rooted in a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where you can show up exactly as you are.

From navigating relationships, career transitions, parenthood, and personal growth to addressing relational trauma, substance use recovery and reclaiming your self-worth, our individualized approach honours your unique needs. We are here to celebrate your resilience, nurture your inner strength, help you heal from past wounds, and equip you with tools to create lasting change.

Who we work with

  • We understand the joy and emotional trials that come with becoming a new parent. We help new and experienced mothers navigate challenges, and learn to reconnect with themselves and thrive as a parent.

  • You approach the world in a unique way and so your approach to therapy should also be unique to you. Whether it be autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or learning differences, we will help you navigate the challenges that can arise from living in an overwhelming world.

  • You work extremely hard to get it “right”. And yet, it still doesn't feel like enough. The pressure to do it all perfectly is robbing you of joy and connection. Let’s work together to relieve the pressure and find joy in the little things again.

  • You give so much of yourself to the safety and care of others and it’s feeling exhausting- burnout is a feeling you know well. Let’s work together to find more space to care for yourself and your needs.

  • You have made the decision to leave behind a substance that was standing in your way but you’re still feeling a sense of stuckness. You believe that life can feel more fulfilling. Let us help you get there.

  • You are a creative at heart but feel like you’ve had to abandon this part of you to live a more ‘practical’ life. You desire to own all parts of yourself and show up authentically. Let’s work together to help you unleash your inner creative.

  • You have newly entered the workforce and while you have credentials to back your experience, you can’t help but feel like an imposter. Uncertainty, stress, and increased responsibility are taking a toll. We can help you find your confidence and navigate through the stressors.

  • You have been labeled as "too much" or "too sensitive," someone whose depth of emotion and richness of experience defy conventional norms. We understand that your feelings and vibrancy is not a flaw but a unique facet of your being. We hold space for ALL of you here.

Meet the Risewell Team

Our therapists

At Risewell, we have assembled a team of dedicated, experienced and relatable therapists who are passionate about providing personalized and evidence-based therapy for our clients. We understand that no two people are the same, and therapy should be tailored to meet your personal needs. Each member of our team is committed to providing exceptional care, and ensuring that you feel seen, heard and understood. All of our therapists offer a complimentary consultation to determine whether we are the best fit for you.


“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

Brené Brown

Our Workshops

Risewell offers transformative wellness workshops tailored for businesses, communities, and collaborative partnerships. Our customizable sessions enhance mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, promote personal growth while making wellness accessible and impactful for everyone involved.

  • Corporate Workshops: Customizable sessions designed to enhance team wellbeing with practical wellness tools and interactive learning.

  • Community Workshops: Accessible 'pay-what-you-can' workshops supporting mental health and local charities.

  • Collaborative Workshops: Unique wellness experiences blending personal growth with innovative practices in collaboration with our community partners.

Inclusion is at the core of Risewell

We value where you are and who you are

Neurological wiring, relationships, religions, ethnicities, genders, sexuality - are some of the many forms of diversity that are celebrated at Risewell. We see the beauty in expressing the full spectrum of our unique selves, and will create space for you to show up authentically. In our practice we work towards creating a safe, inviting and respectful space where you are seen, heard and valued for who you are. Our diversity lens recognizes the interconnectedness of personal and collective experiences, and we believe in understanding and challenging oppressive systems that negatively impact individuals.

Start your journey of healing and growth now.